Sunday, July 09, 2006

Getting Refocused on Biz

I found myself fascinated by the World Cup over the past week… There must be justice in the world if Italy wins the World Cup after that vicious head butt. Wow. And who would have thought soccer would be so much more popular for this World Cup (more so than any I can remember)? Things continue to change in our country…

Back to work after a short week. Sometimes these short weeks can be off-putting, almost distracting. However, this week will be a full one, and most everyone will be back to work.

Personally, I too will be back to work and full speed ahead. Lot’s to do this week, including two nice new business efforts, a new client, and four active projects, plus a fifth starting. So there is no shortage of work, and I will be running full speed. It will be nice to focus on my client, their efforts, and trying to resolve them.

The primary focus for me right now is getting re-centered on the business and regenerating momentum. The flood threw me off, a real life issue that was necessarily absorbing; however it was a distraction. We moved back into the house this weekend, and though there is much work to be done still (basement won’t be repaired and refurnished until late August), the worst is over. The start-up business must take the front stage again.

Part of the struggle with regenerating this momentum is simply fatigue. I am somewhat drained after recent events. To succeed with this much activity, I must be careful. Pacing will be critical; the marathon approach must be adopted for the week. Taking rest, going to the gym, eating well, these are important things moving forward. Having fun is critical, too.

OK, so it begins. Here are this week’s quotes:

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
- Fred Nietzsche

“If you confront your problems rather than avoid them, you will be in a better position to deal with them.”
- The Dalai Lama

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.”
- Les Brown


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