Well, it’s an interesting time. The flood really displaced us. Our house was condemned yesterday, along with 100+ others in the immediate neighborhood. And our cars were totaled. It appears the Cameron Run flood was caused by Wilson Bridge construction.
It’s interesting that there is so little fear for me right now. Perhaps it’s all the great help I’ve received. Preferred Offices set me up with my new work digs (thank you so much to Lisa, Christie and Brooke. You guys are great!), and dozens of friends have stepped up to help us out personally, not to mention relatives. So business is running, we have many places to stay, and resources to rely on. That’s helped a ton, and we are so grateful.
A couple of friends of mine were caught in fear last week, paralyzing and affecting their activities in one way or another. The reality about fear is that it’s used as a common management technique as a primary motivator. You’ll lose your job if you do don’t do this. You won’t get a raise, etc. Yeah, I think I’ll keep my path as an entrepreneur. At least I can control my own destiny, floods excluded.
Living in fear is a horrible place to be. Worse, is acting in fear. This inevitably leads to pain. Fear really seems to be the root cause of every negative aspect of life.
How does one combat fear? Pam Slim recently wrote, use love instead of fear (as always, Escape from Cubicle Nation is linked to the right). Personally, I prefer faith. Faith in the right actions, processes, and commitment will in the end prove victorious. And though this flood has been a set back, I know in the long run, it will yield positive results that I could never have imagined.
So onward. Business continues, and to pick up where I left off pre-flood, I need to finish this week with a strong effort. I think a couple of extra quotes are in order, so here you go:
“If you're scared today, let me ask you this: What will you do with your fear? Will you let it become a motivator or an inhibitor?"
-Carly Fiorina
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Glad to hear you stayed in business after all that. Keep us posted in your blog, in between the business updates. I really enjoy reading.
Hi Geoff!
I am so sorry to hear about your home! Good for you for keeping a positive mindset in face of extremely challenging personal adversity.
I totally agree that faith will help you through this time. I have never lived through something as traumatic as losing a home, but I have been to hell and back in a relationship. At the time, it was hard to understand why it was happening, but in retrospect I see it was preparing me for the truly wonderful, loving relationship I have with my husband.
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!
Hang in there and thanks for staying connected.
I heard of the Arlington Terrace flood on the news and immediately thought about you. Hang in there! Please let me know what I can do!
Outstanding post.
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