Monday, June 26, 2006

Flooded Out

Just one hour after I posted "Finishing Strong", our house suffered from high flood waters that completely flooded the basement and cars tonight, as well as forcing Fairfax County to evacuate our street. We are in our friend's house, cancelling our appointments and work for tomorrow.

Instead, tomorrow will be about the plumber and a big pump, the insurance company as well as relocating my home office to other quarters in Alexandria. However, I hope to have the biz up and running again by no later than Tuesday. I got all of the hardware and data up and out of the office in time.

Still, when Mother Nature calls, it definitely puts things into balance. Business matters, but living means more. We were fortunate no one was hurt, and the rest is just stuff. I have a great wife, and there's no one else I'd rather be with during this time.

Finishing strong will have to be delayed, just for a little while. Now it is time to get our lives back in order.


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