Monday, June 05, 2006

Five Greatest Advertising Books Ever

Here’s a great blog for you…. “Escape from Cubicle Nation!” An excellent blend of marketing knowledge, entrepreneurial spirit, and just good old soul searching. Keep up the blogging, Pam.

Repeat business is the best business. Why? Because you feel like you made a difference for someone, and that they enjoyed working with you. There’s a warm feeling that comes with that. A warm thank you is in order. The same goes for old colleagues who reach out and wish you well, and I’ve heard from a few recently.

I am currently researching for my book based on the first year of Livingston Communications, as documented through Diary of an Ad Man. Part of a book proposal is determining which other books are similar to yours. Recently, the Wall Street Journal published a list of the five best advertising books ever. They are:

1. "The 100 Greatest Advertisements 1852-1958" by Julian Lewis Watkins (Dover, 1959).

2. "Confessions of an Advertising Man" by David Ogilvy (Atheneum, 1963).

3. "Bill Bernbach's Book" by Bob Levenson (Random House, 1987).

4. "A Technique for Producing Ideas" by James Webb Young (Advertising Publications, 1940).

5. "Reality in Advertising" by Rosser Reeves (Knopf, 1961)

My personal favorite book in advertising is “Ogilvy on Advertising,” (Pan Books, 1983). Talk about the godfather of the industry…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about. Olgivy is important, but DDB is probably more important to the type of advertising that you see today that is both universally appealing, works for the client and wins awards. And no other agency has had a stronger roll in setting up the modern art director-copywriter relationship. Olgivy was a good sales person, but he didn't reinvent the game.

11:23 PM  

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