Huntington Flood Publicity Works...
In addition, the media have picked up on the story and also believe the cause of the flood was man-made. Check out today’s Washington Post story.
My Board meeting was outstanding. I got some great feedback from them, and some interesting direction to partake in the next couple of months. From partnership to marketing focus, from resolving some eisting issues to suggested vendors, this was a great meeting for me, and I am very grateful to have these folks in my life.
An interesting deal is brewing in a blogging sort of way. It involves generating advertising revenue for a popular portal. My buddy WineSmith will be working with me on this, and it should be a great opportunity. Meeting on Tuesday evening to discuss.
BTW, WineSmith brought to my attention a great Pew study on the blogging community. We’re growing quickly, and becoming an increasingly larger part of the Internet world.
“The contrast between hearing and really listening can be as different as night and day. And in a business environment, not listening effectively to customers, employees, and peers can mean the difference between success and failure.” — Ken Johnson
“We listen in order to learn and retain information. If we are speaking, we are not listening or learning anything to add to our sum of knowledge. This is why the first step to effective listening is to stop talking!” — Ken
“Listening well is as powerful a means of communication and influence as to talk well.” — John Marshall
Thanks for the shout-out. And congrats on getting some tangible results for all of your pebilicity efforts.
Another listening quote: God gave you two ears and one mouth, so you should listen twice as much as you speak.
I'd also recommend you read some of the innovation titles. Not nearly enough Washington-based businesses have bought into the innovation way of thinking. That's a shame.
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