Wednesday, January 03, 2007

You know you're busy when..

You know you're busy when... you are moving into new offices and that day you won't even be there. Instead you are off-site at a client. I was hoping for more of a soft-launch into the New Year, but in reality this is a quality problem. Thank god for #1. She's handling it.

Brags: Some late breaking stories for our New Year's pitch: Chicago Tribune's Redeye edition, Cincinnati Enquirer, Washington Post, and a Fox News Redux. Not bad.

OK, here are some of the weekly blog round ups for marketing folks:

Lee Oddon listed 250 marketing and PR blogs that he follows. I love entries like this because they offer a one-stop research tool.

Saddam's hanging triggered enormous media interest, and of course blogosphere interest. Check out Feverish Thoughts for an example. Just another showing of how we're really fascinated with things like death, looking good, feeling attractive, etc. Primal instincts matter in marketing.

Chris Garrett discusses developing web sites, and takes a nice, well educated shot at Linked In. I like it.

#1 is still working on the new template for the blog, but the Wordpress account is ready to go. Very exciting stuff!


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