My Top 10 Blogs of 2006
As an entrepreneur, I've come to rely on certain blogs for content and research more than others. These blogs offer a wide variety of insights, from marketing information and business advice to just plain old fun. Here are my top 10 blogs for 2006:
1) Ad Rants: Great write ups, fun, always tongue in cheek.
2) Wonkette: Sassy political commentary with an edge. A regular Technorati Top 50 blog.
3) Escape from Cubicle Nation: Pam Slim's advice for budding and newbie entrepreneurs. Best yet, she understands the power of a good media campaign. Thanks for being a true sage, Pam.
4) Bad Pitch Blog: These guys know how to kvetch, plus great insights on how to pitch.
5) DCBlogs: Great feed, hacked by DCist, Wonkette, FreeRide, Metroblog DC, and other supposed DC blog experts, plus good round-ups.
6) Potomac Flacks: Good addition to the local blog scene, covering the PR market.
7) FCW's Culture and Context Blog: That's right, blogging is going federal. This was only a matter of time.
8) Spin Thicket: Good marketing news and blog feed.
9) DCist: I like the arts coverage.
10) Origin of Brands Blog: Keep up the great work, Laura.
Our media pitching is going great. Latest hits for our New Year's pitch: NPR, Chicago Tribune, Tulsa World. And one of my retail clients has an absolutely packed store, in good part due to an ad running on WHUR.
2006 is over, folks. Lots of great accomplishments for Livingston Communications. Here are some highlights:
* Stayed in business: 90% of companies fail in the first year
* Survived a natural disaster: No small feat, 75% of businesses never open their doors again after a disaster.
* Pushed regular monthly billings beyond $20K in the first 8 months
* Some very fulfilling campaigns, including three successful start-up launches
* Major coverage in the Post, ABC, WTOP, FOX and many more
* Helped several charities, including my flood stricken neighborhood
* Won enough 2007 business to at least begin entertaining the possibility of a million dollar year
* Became more than one, in essence a true company
* Proved my naysayers wrong (you know who you are)! Thank you for the motivation, your comments are still on my blackboard.
The year's over, so I guess it's time to retire the start-up theme song. I played Godsmack's I Stand Alone frequently to get me going, and provide the energy to continue these efforts (Lyrics are here). I think 2007's theme is Audioslave's Jewel of the Summertime.
As the week ends, I am looking forward to next week's vacation. 2007 will bring the completion of my first calendar year in business, and the team's continued growth. It's going to be a good year, a year of revelations and new experiences.
Until then, I'm signing out for 2006. Happy holidays.