Writer's Block
It’s late, up, but not really. Writer’s block is upon me. Working on a white paper that’s a real grinder. To be fair, I am pretty tired so I may just let it go and wake up early to start again. It’s getting down to crunch time though, so tomorrow is a major hard work day on the writing front. Probably spend all a.m. on it. It’s really important to deliver a good product on this so I prefer to write when I’m fresh rather than rewrite. It's easier to stay on message.
First recurring revenue account seems to be here. It’s really a micro account, one of my project based accounts is willing to have a minimal retainer between larger bursts of activity. The first one’s always the hardest. There are four other opps out there that could convert to retainer over the next 45 days. Lots of apples in the air.
Great PR going on with the Post right now. One of my clients will have a huge story in about ten days. It’s good stuff, and we have a couple of “rock star” business spokespeople lining up for quotes. I’m enjoying it. Still we have a lot of work to do over the ensuing days to properly prepare for success.
Really trying to apply the pay it forward principle and provide unconditional value to business people around me. It seems to be working.
Additionally, there’s a new focus on doing footwork and getting out of the results game. There’s enough traction with different activities out there that it’s just a question of time before a break hits. I just need to keep doing the right thing and trust the process. When the break comes I have my people lined up and ready to go...
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