Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Third's the Charm

Client number three is on board. I am sending the first invoice tonight. This one is a consumer web site, with the lead generated from the launch of my own site. I did the new business call in NYC on Friday with my designer.

What can you say? New York creative works better! Seriously, there are plenty of great designers in DC, but telling people that you outsource to New York because that’s where the best creative minds are located is a really strong selling point. In the past year, my designer has worked on Liz Claiborne, ESPN, Sharp and Corvette. That’s hard to beat.

Now between the three clients, I have a PR account, a marketing strategy account, and a design account. This is the kind of balance I want to achieve with the new business.

The team decided to bail on that large lead I mentioned last week. It became apparent that we were just getting a courtesy call, that it was a no-win situation. As Kenny Rogers sang, you have to know when to hold them, and know when to fold them. That's OK, there are more irons in the fire.

Checking out office space tomorrow. It’s my goal to have offices by Labor Day. Not much else is going on, just keeping the faith, and plugging away, hour after hour, task by task, pitch by pitch.


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